Sunday, January 16, 2011

chakra power for achieving goals

At the start of a new year, we often set up goals...which often don't manifest. We tend to use "should do", 'determination', or 'want' to decide our goals, and none of these have staying power, because they are not in alignment with our destiny, nor with how our psyche actually works.

1st choose something close to your heart. In the heart space, is the heart chakra (anahata) which has strong will, and a smaller chakra attached to anahata, sitting over the pancreas and stomach. It's about wishes, and destiny. When we start to do things which our heart is telling us to do, we are more in touch with our path, and many obstacles will disappear, whilst many opportunities will suddenly appear. Like magic. We are in sync with our destiny.

 Have a goal which also incites your passion, which is from the 2nd chakra, swadisthana. Swadisthana also has unconscious mind. We cannot force things by fighting with our deeper layers of mind: unconscious forces usually win. But, we can use the energy and excitement of passion to propel us to achieve our goal, and, make sure that this goal is not threatening to you.

 Muladhara (base chakra) is about preservation, instinct, unconscious behaviour. If we feel at all threatened, we will behave our way out of achieving our goal. This chakra is connected to Anahata so we are likely to feel secure about doing things which are in accordance with our destiny, our Path.

Energy, prana, is a bit different from passion for something, it's more like having fuel to do what we need to do, and it's found at the navel chakra, Manipura.

 Each of the chakras 'brings something to the party' when we are moving in accordance with our destiny. Mysteriously, when we are not flowing in sync with our path, we don't have the energy to continue with our choices.

  When the goal is close to the heart, fuels passion, is non-threatening, we can then use the power of mind: ajna chakra (3rd eye) to visualise the desired outcome. Add this visualisation to your yoga nidra practice and you will be well on the way.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

some secrets of mooladhara

so....more secrets of mooladhara. The outer petals are  more to do with energy, although, as previously noted, the karma for this lifetime is contained within 1 of the 4 petals...near the feet. When you consider how mooladhara is to do with security...if we have a healthy sense of this, when chased by something dangerous...what would be the most secure, unconscious behavioural thing to do?? Run, of course. Use those feet! When we feel threatened on any level including mental/emotional, we can deal with the hormonal stress effects (cortisol in particular) by walking quickly for a couple of minutes. Practice Antar (inner) Mauna (silence) at the same time...Antar Mauna is a very specific meditation practice. It's invaluable for dealing with the deeper urges within us, the ones which we feel so personally about, they obscure the inner beauty which is inherent in us all. Part of Antar Mauna technique is to deliberately think 'bad' (very bad!!) thoughts about what/who ever is bothering you. Do this whilst  walking very fast and hard. Doesn't have to be for long. Then, push those thoughts away, deliberately. Imagine pushing each problem into the ocean/rubbish tip/fire etc. Then have a bit of an amble. Always finish on a positive note. You can do this before meditation too, just get those negative aspects out, then push them away. It's a great way to lower blood pressure. Don't make it a 24/7 thing or you'll end up stuck in a cycle of venom. Practising Antar Mauna for a period of time changes us, very positively. We become lighter inside. I recommend learning off a cd as it's quite hard to do it on one's own if you're a beginner.